Auspice is a reminder system which will automatically remind you of events at any time the Auspice program is running, even if it is in the "background" while you are using another application. Normally you will make Auspice a "startup" application (see below) allowing it to automatically start and run all of the time your Mac is running.
-- Installation Instructions --
Copy the Auspice program to your disk and place it anywhere that is convenient for you. If you are using System 7, select the Auspice application and then choose "Make Alias" from the Finder's File Menu. Put the alias into the "Startup items" folder which is inside the System folder. If you are using System 6 with MultiFinder, select the Auspice application and then choose "Set Startup" from the Finder "Special" menu. Use the Set Startup dialog box to automatically open the selected item (Auspice) upon startup. The first time you run Auspice, use the "New" item on the Auspice File menu to create an empty data file (this file is used to store your reminders).
-- Upgrading Instructions --
Use this paragraph of instructions only if you are upgrading from an earlier version of Auspice. If you are upgrading, make a copy of your old "Auspice Data" file in the System Folder. Once it has been opened by Auspice version 3, it will no longer be readable by the prior version of Auspice in case you decide you prefer the older version. Remove the old "Auspice Init" from the System Folder (or "Extensions" folder inside the System Folder) and remove the old Auspice application. You can leave the "Auspice Data" file in the System Folder or move it to another location. The first time you run the new version, use the "Open" item on the Auspice File menu to find and open the old data file.
-- Entering Reminders --
The easiest way to enter a reminder is to double-click on a date in the Calendar window. A dialog box will appear and the date you clicked on will already be entered. The time entered will be either the current time or a fixed time depending on how you set the "Default time" preference from the Preferences menu item. (I have mine set for a fixed time of 5:00 AM as I prefer to get most of my reminders in the morning when I start the Mac; for meetings later in the day I change the time when I set the specific reminder.) Enter a short reminder message and then use the tab key (or the mouse) to move to the time/date entry area. You can use the up & down arrow keys on your keyboard, the mouse, or just type in a different date or time. Hold the shift key and press the tab key to move backwards to the previous field. The date you enter is the date of the event for which you will be reminded. At the left below the event date is a box to enter the number of minutes, hours, days, weekdays, weeks, or months in advance of the event date by which you are to be reminded. For example, for a birthday on Sept.16 you would enter Sept.16 as the event date, and you might enter 2 weeks for the Advance Warning in order to be reminded early enough to have time to shop for a gift. If you don't enter an Advance Warning, the warning date/time will be the same as the event date/time.